OH. Oh it was so good. I think, however, that even though you can't get a waffle cone with the jr. size ice cream (I LOVE WAFFLE CONES with an almost sick addiction.), I feel like it would have been the better way to go- the key lime flavor was great, but i had just a smidgen too much so I didn't fully enjoy it all the way though. In any case, super yummy and well worth the detour ont he way home.

four golden forks out of five
Kate: Caribbean Carmel
OMG! Delicious. Had heard about this place and driven past it many times, but this was my first venture in. So worth the calories. Some great flavor options, like my usual favorite, Cake Batter, but I branched out today and went with the Caribbean Carmel. Toffee flavored ice cream with caramel swirls and tiny caramel filled chocolate candies. Wow! One lick and I felt I was on some exotic island somewhere (I wish!). Though this will have to be reserved for special occasions (save up those calories) it will be a great treat when I get it. Note, I did opt for the juniors' size cup , which was just enough to curb the ice cream craving without over doing it. Glad they had that option!

Incorrect spelling of the business name - it has two z's as in Plumcrazzy Ice Cream.
OoOO! Noted and Fixed- Thank you!
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